I wonder about this phenomenon that is social networking--tweeting and facebooking. One of my best friends from school, a Brazilian with a gift for everything that is marketing and cutting edge technology, tells me that it is all wonderful. Although I have seriously put off opening any accounts (because I don't really understand them), the guy running Smashwords indicates that they are fairly powerful for reaching readers too.
Besides all of that, this blog came with automatic tickers for the Tweeters and the Facebookers. Both of mine register zero. That is probably because before now, I neither considered joining nor ventured to reach out to the Tweeters or Facebookers.
It's time for me to expand my horizons and to learn. I am curious to know if you think social networking trumps good old fashioned email or ice cream socials. If you tweet and tweet well, or facebook and facebook well, kindly educate me.
Does tweeting and facebooking make you feel good? Have they saved your life? Did you find your favorite book in the whole wide world or simply discover a laugh or a fascination through them? Feel free to share a technical line about how to do them or how they have otherwise helped you too.